Kegland All Grain Recipe Kit – Vienna Lager – Wolfgang



Heavily inspired from a trip to Brooklyn NY. Brooklyn Lager was fresh and plentiful. If you don’t know, Brooklyn Lager is a popular Americanised Vienna Lager. A Vienna Lager is typically an amber to dark lager that has a bit of a malt backbone, but should not be overpowering. This new Brooklyn Lager variation has a little bit more hop to it pushes the classic Vienna Style into the new world type category of smashable dark-ish lagers.

Cast your mind back to the time where Mozart roamed the Vienna streets composing his symphonies on Violin and Piano. Now jump into your Bill and Ted time machine and make him grow up on the harsh streets of NY. Now you’ve got a serious Wolfgang!

Recipe Kit Specifications
Volume ~ 21 litres
IBU’s ~ 21
OG ~ 1.050
FG ~ 1.010
ABV ~ 5.3%
Colour ~ 22 EBC