Kegland All Grain Recipe Kit – American Wheat Beer – Wheat It!



This will be a moderately dry thirst quencher. A super simple grain bill is allowed to express itself with the rather delicious, subtle Belgian Wit yeast from Lallemand – the traditional banana and spice aromas will be present, but subtle enough for other flavours (should you wish to use them) to shine through.

The Wheat It! All Grain Recipe Kit comes with everything you need to make a slightly hazy, subtle and delicious wheat beer from scratch.

This is a brilliantly simple witbier kit. You can brew it as is and end up with a delicious, thirst quenching quaffer. You can also use it as a base for experimentation – add coriander and orange to the boil like a traditional Belgian Witbeer, or try adding fruit at the end of fermentation. Maybe throw in a dry hop for a bit of zing – the sky is the limit with this baby!

Recipe Kit Specifications
Volume 21 liters
IBU’s ~ 25
FG ~ 1.008
ABV ~ 4.5%
Colour ~ 6 EBC